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Thank you for your order. An invoice for your product will follow soon.
Once payment has fully been received, you will receive your license key.
You can start your setup now but will need the license key to continue.
Thank you for your order. An invoice for your product will follow soon.
Once payment has fully been received, you will receive your license key.
You can start your setup now but will need the license key to continue.
Download Q-Safe now and start entering your company information. Follow the instructions.
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We've found Q-Safe a user-friendly health and safety software program that helps us manage our safety procedures. It offers a range of features for monitoring and controlling safety processes, including customizable checklists and reports, and a centralized location for storing safety-related information. With excellent customer service support, I highly recommend Q-Safe as an all-in-one solution for any business looking to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.
Jason Adams
Group Operations Manager – FS Systems (Pty) Ltd)