Essential Basic Components
This is a FREE version, with some really useful content.

Company Documents
Store important company documents like:
Workmens compensation (LOGS – COIDA)
Awards and certificates
Employee details easily stored for quick access:
Personal details
Next of kin
Medical certificates
POPIA Authorisation
Training Register
Employee training documents with expiry date
Source of training
Colour image
Toolbox Talks – Internal Training
50+ Useful internal training documents.
Education is the key to safe work – do one a week – they will only take 10 minutes.
Encourage discussion and feedback.
Training can help protect your company in the event of an investigation for an accident.
Incident Reporting and Investigation
Why is it important to record all events? – That is how we identify areas of safety that need improvement.
Investigating event allows you to see what needs to be done so it never happens again.
Record all near-miss events, incidents and accidents. Add photos as evidence.
Establish ‘root cause’. Revise your safety systems.