Safety File
A Health and Safety File is part of your company’s Health & Safety Management Program. It demonstrates to your clients and principal contractors that you have taken suitable precautions to ensure that the health and safety of your employees, nor any other person, is going to be negatively affected by the actions of your staff on site.
The information contained must only refer to the activities of that project only – That is why they call it ‘Site Specific’. It is not a generic document.
This is also different from a “Company Safety Management System” (SMS) – which is all about day-to-day safety systems within your company – there is different software for that.
A Safety File contains many different documents, which all fulfil the requirements of the Occupational Health and safety act, the Construction Regulations, and other regulations which fall under the Act, including POPIA compliance documents.

About the content
The regulations do not tell us what a Health and Safety File must look like, so we have built Q-Safe around what is considered ‘common practice’ – we provide all the documents commonly used, as well as many that are used for different activities.
These documents will assist you in keeping details up-to-date and relevant.
Does Q-Safe guarantee my safety file will pass?
However, Q-Safe will provide you with all the tools to be compliant and pass.
To pass, you will need (and not limited to):
• Valid letter of goodstanding – LOGS (COIDA)
• Your content must be specific to your project – remove content that does not apply to your project and your activities.
• All appointments and competency documents must be signed.
• All hazard and risk documents must be communicated to your team, and they must sign.
• Your safety file must comply with client health and safety specification – this should be supplied to you at the time of tender. Read it carefully! – it may contain specific requirements relating to documents, and appointed persons.
• People must be qualified as per requirement of the appointment.

OHS – Occupational Health and Safety – OSH / SHE / SHEQ / SHERQ
The Occupational Health and safety act is a worldwide initiative to reduce or eliminate accidents in the workplace. Our Q-Safe Safety Software creates a detailed Safety Management System which allows you to keep your company compliant with the least amount of effort. Effective compliance and systems prevent penalties by principal contractors the Department of Labour and our job is to help you achieve this
Q-Safe’s Safety File Modules
Discover Q-Safe’s Health and Safety File modules with over 200 customizable templates to choose from.
Our templates are tailored to meet the specific needs of your activity, ensuring you only select the documents that are relevant to your project.
Our team is available to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you have the right templates for your project.
Project Documents
All your project-specific documents. Choose a project from your selection of past projects and simply edit and update as required.
- Project name
- Scope of work
- Project address
- Set the index to suit the project
- Project start & end dates
- Client details
- List of multiple sites
- Edit past, create new
- Multiple contractors (Pro)
Legal and other appointments. The numbers refer to the Act or Regulation. Custom and non-construction appointments are available. Includes competency declaration or Qualification certificate. Commonly used documents are pre-selected in your recommended index. The appointment safety file template includes standard text that you can easily customise to suit your appointments if needed.
Non-construction templates are also available. Or create your own.
- OHSA – Occupational Health and Safety Act
- CR – Construction Regulations
- EMR – Electrical Machinery Regulations
- GMR – General Machinery Regulations
- GSR – General Safety Regulations
- Company organogram
- CEO Appointment OHSA16(1)
- Responsible Person OHSA16(2)
- Subcontractor CR7(1)(c)(v)
- Principal Contractor CR5(1)(k)
- Construction Manager CR(1)
- Asst. Construction Manager CR8(2)
- Safety Officer CR(5)
- Risk Assessor CR9(1)
- Construction Supervisor CR8(7)
- Asst. Construction supervisor CR8(8)
- Supervisor of Temporary Works CR12(2)
- Excavations Supervisor CR13(1)(a)
- Demolitions Supervisor CR14(1)
- Portable Electric Tools Inspector EMR10
- Hand Tools Inspector OHSA8(1)
- PPE Inspector OHSA8
- Machinery Supervisor GMR2(1)
- Asst. Machinery Supervisor GMR2(7)
- Covid-19 Manager
- Covid-19 Compliance Officer
- First Aider GSR3
- Environmental Officer
- Hygiene Inspector CR30
- POPI – Information Officer
- Health and Safety Representative OHSA17(1)
- Health and Safety Committee Co-ordinator
- Traffic Manager
- Fall Protection Planner CR10(1)
- Fall Protection Supervisor CR10
- Ladder Inspector GSR13(a)
- Safety Harness Inspector
- Rope Access Work Supervisor
- Incident investigator GAR9(2)
- Fire Equipment Inspector CR29(h)
- Fire Fighter CR29
- Bulk Plant Inspector
- Concrete Mixer Operator
- Welding and Cutting Supervisor GSR9
- Emergency Controller CR29 and Enviro9
- Housekeeping Inspector
- Stacking and Storage Supervisor CR28(a)
- Electrical Connections Inspector
- Earth Leakage Inspector
- Electrical Machinery Inspector EMR4
- Asbestos Removal Supervisor
- Portable Gas Container Supervisor
- Hazardous Chemicals Controller
- Construction Vehicle and Plant Supervisor CR23(1)(j)
- Construction Vehicle and Plant Operator CR23(1)(d)
- Construction Vehicle and Plant Inspector CR23(1)(d,i,k)
- LDV Operator
- HDV Operator CR16.1
- Skidsteer Operator (Bobcat)
- Chipper Operator
- Chainsaw Operator
- TLB Operator
- Tractor Operator
- Crane Supervisor CR22
- Crane Erector CR22
- Suspending Platform Supervisor CR17(1)
- Supervisor of Temporary Works CR12(1)
- Scaffolding Inspector CR16
- Scaffolding Supervisor CR16(1)
- Scaffolding Team Leader CR16(1)
- Scaffolding Erector CR16(1)
- Formwork Supervisor CR12(1)
- Lifting machinery Operator DMR18(11)
- Lifting Equipment Inspector DMR18(11)
- Material Hoist Inspector DMR18(11)
- Explosive Power Tools Operator CR21(1)(b)
- Explosive Power Tool Inspector CR21(2)(g)(1)
- Explosives Supervisor CR13(2)(k)
- Manager (Non-construction)
- Assistant Manager (Non-construction)
- Supervisor(Non-construction)
- Asst. Supervisor (Non-construction)
- Warehouse Manager (Non-construction)
- Kitchen Manager (Non-construction)
- Food and Beverage Manager (Non-construction)
- Cleaning Supervisor (Non-construction)
- Stores Manager (Non-construction)
- Transport Manager (Non-construction)
- Workshop Manager (Non-construction)
- Quality Control Inspector(Non-construction)
- Assistant Quality Control Inspector (Non-construction)
- Floor Manager (Non-construction)
- Manager (Non-construction)
- Security Controller (Non-construction)
- Risk Assessor (Non-construction)
- Plus Add your own.
Storage of personnel documents. Reminders are set for expiring documents. Always available and easily accessible
- Personal detail
- Position in company
- Contact details
- Next of kin details.
- Copy of ID
- POPIA Employee authorisation
- Medical certificates
- General duties of employees OHS14
- Health and safety meeting minutes
- Man-hours register
- Warning letters issued
- Employee training certificates
30+ Policy documents included. Master documents are editable. Individual project policy documents can be edited to suit. The Document Library content can be replaced with its own company policy. The safety file template for policy contains suggested content, so you can edit this to suit your company policies.
- Environmental Policy
- PPE Policy (LOGS)
- Drugs and Substance Abuse Policy
- Alcohol Policy
- Smoking Policy
- Site Waste Management Policy
- POPI – Company Policy
- POPI – Retention and Destruction of Information Policy
- HIV Policy
- Safety Disciplinary Policy
- Monthly Safety Goals Policy
- Driving Policy
- Hearing Conservation Policy
- Safety Review Policy
- Covid-19 Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Plus Add your own.
Plans and Procedures
80+ Plans and Procedures included. Sample master plan documents are supplied. Use as is, or replace with your own. Edit to suit.
- Health and safety plan
- Environmental plan
- Waste management plan
- Traffic management plan
- Quality control plan
- Training plan
- Covid-19 Workplace infection plan
- Covid-19 Workplace plan
- Contingency Plan / Business Continuity
- Implementation plan
- Hygiene plan
- Fatigue management plan
- Site supervision plan.
- Plus Add your own.
Emergency Management
Preparations for an Emergency. Reminders are set for expiring documents. Always available and easily accessible
- Emergency plan and procedures
- Hazard management procedures
- Emergency route layout
- Activity specific emergencies
- Placing safety signs
- Site evacuation procedures
- Plus Add your own.
Hazards and Risk Management
Identify hazards and set up procedures to reduce or eliminate the risk. Reminders are set for expiring documents. Always available and easily accessible.
- Hazard / Environment site inspection
- Risk assessment plan
- Risk monitoring plan
- Risk assessment review plan
- Method statements
- Fall protection plan
- Risk assessments
- Risk assessment builder
- SOP – Safe Operating Procedures
- SWP – Safe Work Procedures
- Summary of control measures
- PPE Evaluation program
- PPE Hazard assessment
- PPE Certification of hazard assessment
- PTO – Planned Task Observation
- DSTI – Add to suit
- Plus Add your own.
Incidents and Accidents
Incident and Accident Reporting and Process. Reminders are set for expiring documents. Always available and easily accessible.
- Incident & Accident register
- Incident and accident investigating procedure
- Incident investigation
- Near miss report
- Recording and incident – Annexure 1
- Incident and accident reporting procedure
- NCR – Non-Compliance Report
- WCL2 – Report of an accident
- Incident report summary
- Incident classification
- Plus Add your own.
Acts and Regulations
A complete copy of the Act or link to download.
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Construction Regulations
- GSR – General Safety Regulations
- COID Guide
- GMR – General Machinery Regulations
- Asbestos Regulations
- Electrical Regulations
- Ergonomic Regulations
- Disaster Management Act (Covid-19)
Hazardous Substances
A hazardous substances register allows for the storage of unlimited listed items
- Hazardous Products and Substances Register
- SDS Links and storage
- Categories & References
Training and Induction
Reminders are set for expiring documents. Always available and easily accessible.
- Training and competency register
- Attendance register
- Site rules
- Worker handbook
- Construction site induction arrangements
- Workplace induction forms
- Visitor attendance register
- Training register
- Pre-start meeting forms
- Site briefing and toolbox talks
- DSTI – Daily Safe Task Instruction
- Workplace training report for individuals
Toolbox Talks Training
A wide range of Toolbox Talk discussion guides is available.
- 40+ Available
- Plus ADD your own.
- 10-minute training sessions
- Sign sheets for workers to acknowledge training
- Store training diagrams
- Store training pictures
Registers and Recording of Equipment. Print and record data on a monthly or weekly basis. Always available and easily accessible.
- PPE Issued register
- Tools and equipment register
- First aid box – minimum requirements
- First aid – Treatment register
- Ladder register
- Safety harness training register
- Barricade register
- Daily plant register
- Fire extinguisher training register
- Fire fighting equipment register CR29(g)
Inspections and Checklists
A wide range of inspections and checklists. Reminders are set for expiring documents. Always available and easily accessible.
- Health and safety inspection
- Site inspection
- PPE Inspection
- First Aid
- SHE Rep inspection
- Covid-19 Symptoms check
- Hot works permit
- Safety harness inspection
- Hand tools
- Ladder
- Portable power tools
- Electric drill inspection
- Grinders
- Welding equipment
- Compressor
- Jackhammer
- Power generator
- Formwork
- Scaffold
- Excavation
- Housekeeping
- Environmental
- Stacking and storage
- Toilets
- Distribution boards
- Vehicles
- Motorised plant
- Trailer
- Compactor
- Skid-steer (Bobcat)
- Brush cutter
- Chainsaw
- Line trimmer
- Wood chipper
- Plus Add your own.
Operational Management
Manage vehicles, tools, equipment, plant, machinery, and vehicles.
- Service Records
- Photo Records
- User details
- License and registration
- Renewals
- Calibration records
- Checklists
- Internal Safety Audits
- Company document storage
- Plus Add your own.